Then the Word of the LORD came to him, saying, 1 Kings 17:2 (NKJV)
This statement “the Word of the Lord or the Word of God came to….” is found many times in the Bible and it is always connected with God giving specific instruction, encouragement, direction, or counsel to someone in a specific situation. This is the Rhema Word. This is the Word of the moment. It is the Word of direction, instruction, guidance, help, and strength. This is the specific Word we need in a particular situation that will help us in and out of it.
In our theme Scripture above the situation was that there was a famine and God in helping His man Elijah gave him a specific Word for that particular situation. It was a Word of instruction and direction from God that brought provision and sustenance in Elijah’s life. God told him to go hide himself by a brook that flowed into the river Jordan where he would drink from and there ravens would bring him meat at God’s command. Elijah heard the Rhema Word from God, acted on what God spoke to him and saw God’s provision. 1Kings17:3-6.
For every moment, situation or issue God has a Word that He gives us to deal with, overcome or walk through that.
God’s help, plan, provision, will, instruction or wisdom comes to us as a Word. It’s as we pay attention to, believe on, act on and follow that specific Word from God that Life opens up, yields, and bows down to us.
Make time to hear from God as you pray, worship, read, listen to, study, and meditate on God’s written Word which is known as Logos. It’s from there that you will hear Him speak to you a specific Word or Rhema Word for your specific situation and when you act on it this is what will put you over and ahead in Life.