And [the man] paid attention to them, expecting that he was going to get something from them. Acts 3:5 (AMPC)
Here in Acts 3:1-10 we witness the first recorded miracle by the apostles after Jesus went back to heaven and the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church. A man crippled from birth was at the temple gate where he was put daily to beg from the people who went to the temple. He sees Peter and John entering the temple and asks for money. Peter tells him look at us and he looks at them expecting money. Peter tells the man “I don’t have silver or gold but I give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” Then Peter took him by the hand and the man received strength and jumped, walked and leaped.
We notice from this scripture passage a principle of how God’s power works in our lives.
The power of God works or manifests where there’s expectancy.
The lame man looked at the apostles with expectancy. Though he was expecting money the point is he expected something from Peter and John. It’s that expectation that connected into God’s power.
When we are expectant especially of something good from God, we are connecting into God’s miracle working power. Expectation is the open door that lets out the flow of God’s power and wisdom in any situation.
When you are expectant or expecting you are looking forward to something.
The best illustration of this is pregnant women. They are called expectant mothers. They are said to be expecting. All this means they are looking forward to the birth of a baby.
Always be expectant, looking forward to God’s power and wisdom working on your behalf in any circumstance.
The apostle Paul was imprisoned for the Gospel and asked the Philippian church to pray for him. He told them that his deliverance from prison would be a result of their prayer, the supply of the Holy Spirit and Paul’s earnest expectation. Philippians 1:19-20.
Do not just pray, but be expectant as well. Pray with expectancy. Do not just look to God. Look to Him with expectancy. Expect to see God’s faithfulness and goodness.