To make it your ambition and definitely endeavor to live quietly and peacefully, to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we charged you, 1 Thessalonians 4:11(AMPC)
In any system as long as every part stays in its place and position everything works efficiently. But even if just one component isn’t functioning as it should the whole system is affected and can stall or out rightly fail.
It’s the same with all of us collectively as the family of God, the Body of Christ, and the Temple of the Lord. It is as each and every one of us stays where he’s been placed and fitted to function, wholly given and focused on playing his part that the entire family, body or temple operates with optimal efficiency.
But just like in the body if the eye neglects its station of seeing and goes to meddle in the ear’s issues of hearing then there’s trouble at hand. Even if the ear really has issues it’s not the eye to solve them and actually the eye by intruding will aggravate the situation even more.
So mind your own affairs and let others mind their own. Live your own life before the Lord, Pursue and follow His purpose for you.
Save yourself and spare others from a lot of headaches and heartaches.
Don’t assume the place and position of God who alone is responsible for seeing that each and every one carries out their assignment.