When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: [” He Himself took our infirmities] [And bore] [our] [sicknesses.”] Matthew 8:16-17 (NKJV)
The Lord is a healer, He’s our healer and healing is His perfect will for all of us. He desires and wants us healed, healthy and whole in spirit, soul, body and every relationship.Healing is included in the redemptive work on the Cross of Christ.At the same time God removed all our sins through the Blood of Jesus Christ He removed our sicknesses through the broken Body of Jesus. Just as forgiveness of sins is a finished work so is healing of all our sicknesses.The Scripture has said Jesus healed all the sick fulfilling what Isaiah saw and said. It’s interesting to note that Isaiah who lived several hundred years before Jesus came said that “He (Jesus) Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses” Even in Isaiah’s time healing was a past tense fulfilled action. As far as God is concerned we have been healed already. Jesus Himself, of His own will and initiative, without us first crying out to Him bore all our weaknesses, sicknesses and diseases. We are healed right now! Now this turns most people’s brains inside out because we still see, feel, suffer, and many die from sickness. But God doesn’t look at the things that are seen or felt but at the things that are not seen. God sees and is convinced of what He has done in His Son Jesus Christ. It is the truth.We also have to change our mind, agree with God, see what God sees and so experience His reality from His viewpoint. When we do that, when we see Jesus who took and freed us from our sins we experience and enjoy freedom from sin and it’s effects. When we see and are fully persuaded of Jesus who took all our weaknesses, sicknesses and diseases we experience and enjoy healing, health and wholeness.