Thus says the LORD, who makes a way in the sea And a path through the mighty waters. Isaiah 43:16(NKJV)
With the Lord on our side we don’t need to be concerned about anything because with Him who’s the maker of all things, anything can be made. Anything is possible with Him. He’s our maker. Psalms 95:6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.
He’s the maker of heaven and earth and all the things in them. Psalms (121:1, 2)
Our God is a way maker. He Himself is the way. John 14:6.
Among many other things way also refers to “means”. Our God is the means, he’s the means maker. He’s our means of existence and sustenance. In Him we live, move and have our being. Acts 17:28. He’s our access to everything good and useful. He’s our connection to progress and success.
There’s always a way or means out of every undesirable, tormenting situation. Jesus is that way, He’s that means. He’s the way out of trouble and distress. He’s the means to the free open wide space also known as salvation. There’s nothing, there’s no one who can hinder you from living the unlimited endless possibilities kind of life when you get acquainted with the way maker who Himself is the way. With Him all things are possible, therefore because He’s with you nothing shall be impossible for you. This God, this way maker with you is your means of advancement in life. He’s your way out of “not enough” into “more than enough”. He’s your way out of “I can’t” into “I can do all things” Philippians 4:19. He’s our way, our means out of darkness and death into light and life.