But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]. John 16:13 (AMPC)
Just as radar helps detect and locate objects that are out of our view or hidden from the naked eye, the Spirit always enables us to know and understand things that are beyond human sense knowledge.
Because radar detects and locates the unseen it can be relied on for guidance especially in conditions of very difficult or impossible visibility. Thus a pilot without seeing what’s in front of the plane can accurately safely land it on a narrow airstrip when it’s very dark or in thick fog by only following the radar instrument readings.
What we can see, feel, taste, smell, hear, or reason isn’t all there’s in life. What you can prove scientifically isn’t all there’s in life. There’s more to everything than what meets the eye.
The Holy Spirit knows everything through and through. Nothing is hidden from Him. The most wonderful news is that the Holy Spirit is in our life to help us. One area He’s here to help us in is enabling us see, know, understand, and walk safely and successfully through the unseen and uncertain.
He knows the past, present and future. He knows what works and what doesn’t. He knows what’s best for you. He helps us avoid danger and loss. He leads us into what will profit us. He leads us into all truth in decision making, direction in life, and dealing with people and situations. He guides us from within our innermost being – that’s our heart or spirit.
Romans 8:16 (AMPC) The Spirit Himself [thus] testifies together with our own spirit, [assuring us] that we are children of God.
The Holy Spirit communicates to us through our spirit. He testifies or confirms to our spirit whatever He knows we need to know. Therefore when we pay attention to and follow our spirit or heart we are tuned in to and are being led by the Holy Spirit.
Use your head but follow your heart. It is from your heart that the guidance and counsel of life flows for that’s where the Spirit of God dwells in you.