It was you who split open the sea by your power; you broke the heads of the monster in the waters. Psalms 74:13 (NIV)
This is a testimony of praise to the Lord referring to what He did for the Israelites when through Moses He parted the Red Sea and they walked on across on dry ground. –See Exodus 14:15-22.
From a natural human point of view the children of Israel were between a rock and a hard place. The enemy who was Pharaoh and all his Egyptian army had closed in on them from behind and infront was the impassable sea. But the mighty waters bowed and gave way to the Lord Almighty who led His own people to safety on the other side.
There’s nothing that can hinder you from going all the way to the finish line of your life’s journey. There’s no barrier big enough, no stopper strong enough to prevent your advancement. The Lord with you, for you and ahead of you is a barrier breaker. Not only does He remove mountains but also parts the oceans.
The mountain is the highest of barriers and the ocean or sea is the deepest of stoppers.
Regardless of how high and imposing the barrier to your advancement, regardless of how deep the stopper to your progress, the Lord going on ahead of you will always see you through to your destination. Just as He did for Israel He’s able and willing to get you through and over anything standing in your way. Like He told them, He’s telling you right now. “Why do you cry to Me?….go forward…lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it …and go on dry [ground] through the midst of the sea. –Exodus 14:15-16
He told Moses to lift up His rod. Today He tells you to lift up His Word for the rod is the Word of God. As you lift your tongue in your mouth to declare the Word of God, as you proclaim the Lord who parts oceans you will witness everything that’s standing in front of you giving way. Seeming defeat will part before you as you march forward in triumph. The oceans of crisis and distress shall part. The waters of tragedy and calamity shall divide as you walk on dry ground to safety and salvation.