Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don’t ignore it. Proverbs 8:33 (NLT)
Dealing wisely in the affairs of life, having good success in everything we undertake is a result of heeding instructions that God gives us.
Because God is the Architect and Sustainer of Life He knows the right and best way to take that will bring the right and best result in every circumstance, condition, challenge, or crisis. Ignoring what God has to say in any given situation is inviting difficulty, danger, and destruction.
God has instructions concerning how best your body, health, life, mind, family, marriage, relationships, work, finances, should function.
His instructions are readily available to whoever would stop and pay attention to them in God’s Word both written in the Bible and also spoken in our hearts.
So today as well as for the rest of the days of your life accustom yourself to paying attention to the Word and thereby you will be able to heed God’s instructions the recipe for wise dealings and good success in Life.