He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire. Psalms 46:9 (NKJV)
Whereas some people view it as a prelude to freedom and others a profitable venture, war is a thief who happens to steal, kill and destroy.
Therefore much as God is depicted as a man of war, and yes he fights wars, yet He hates war and so He’s in the business of making wars cease.
On the Cross God made all wars to cease when He fought and won once for all the grandfather of all wars, the source and cause of all wars – the war of man’s enmity towards God because of sin.
All the wars in the earth in all generations are caused by selfishness and greed. This is rooted in the sin and fall of man from that sense of oneness with God.
Through Christ in His crucifixion, death, and resurrection, Father God has reconciled us with Him. There’s no more enmity, therefore no more war. No more fear, distrust or suspicion.
We can now take and share this reconciliation with fellow man. We can forgive others even as God has forgiven us; love others unconditionally just as God has done to us, do good to others just as he has done to us. We can give and share our very own lives just as God in Christ did. Thus we can live in harmony with one another.
This is how God makes wars to cease from the battle fields of our minds, homes, relationships, work places, all the way to the war zones of the armed conflicts around the world.