He who guards his mouth keeps his life, but he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. Proverbs 13:3 (AMPC)
Guarding your mouth is being careful what you say. Words do matter. All matter came out of words.
Words carry power – either constructive, or destructive.
The saying that sticks and stones may break my bone but words will not hurt me is so wrong. Words are more powerful than sticks and stones. While sticks and stones as well as the damage they cause is mainly physical and outward, words are spiritual. The impact of words is rooted in the spirit realm. Words inflict long-term, deep, inward spiritual, mental and emotional harm that affects and afflicts the whole person and takes long to heal.
Healing words heal, hurting words hurt. Death words kill. Life words give life. Hate filled words plant hatred. Love filled words produce love.
Only speak that which builds up and benefits not only you but others.