People of Israel, listen! God publicly endorsed Jesus the Nazarene by doing powerful miracles, wonders, and signs through him, as you well know. Acts 2:22(NLT)
From bottled water to people contesting for the office of the president getting endorsed is one major way that can get you to be known, approved, accepted and confirmed. For God miracles are the way to endorse His heart’s intentions and interests. What God believes in and supports, He stamps it with miracles. God publicly endorsed Jesus with miracles, signs and wonder.
The God of miracles desires to endorse you, to publicly affirm that you’re His and that you’re His delight. God desires to endorse the Good News that He delivered, redeemed, and saved you.
Expect miracles today as the God of miracles continues to endorse His Son in you, as He continues to endorse His perfect handiwork in you.