But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV)
The Greek word for glory means good opinion concerning one, resulting in praise, honor, and glory.
So as we behold the glory or the good opinion of the Lord concerning himself we are transformed into the same image from good opinion concerning him to good opinion concerning him resulting in praise and honor.
What this means is when we see what God thinks or believes about himself, we will see and believe the same, then this will transform us into his very image because what God believes and sees about himself is the very thing he sees and believes about us!
In other words as God is so are we. 1John 4:17. We are created in His Image. He has given us His life – Eternal Life, He has given us His Holy Spirit, and He has poured out His Love throughout our hearts. He is our Righteousness.
When we gaze at Jesus Christ with the persuasion that what we are looking at is who we are transformation happens from good opinion to good opinion.
We behold the Lord in His Word. As he lives, I live, as He rules, I rule, as He is righteous, I am righteous in Him, as He is forgiving, I am forgiving, as He’s strong I am strong, as He is kind, I am kind, as He’s blessed, I’m blessed in Him…the list of good opinions goes on.
This is what transforms us, this is how we go on to think, act and live like Christ thus bringing glory to God.