So let us come near to God with a sincere heart and a sure faith, with hearts that have been purified from a guilty conscience and with bodies washed with clean water. Hebrews 10:22 (GNT)
While addressing the pagan idol worshipping Athenians Paul says God is not far from any one of us, for in Him we live, move and have our being. See-Acts 17:27-28.
We are always ever in God’s presence. Therefore drawing closer to God doesn’t mean He’s not there with you.
The drawing closer to God has to do with our hearts, attitude, and mindset.
You can be physically close to someone but when your heart is not into them. That’s why the Scripture has admonished us to come near to God with a sincere heart. Relating and fellowshipping with God from a sincere heart is what closeness or intimacy with God is all about. We ought to stop pretending and performing before God. He knows you in and out, be open to Him. See and talk to Him about anything like you would a close friend. Pour out your heart to Him.
Secondly come near to God with the right attitude. This refers to a sure faith which is the assurance that God is always ever right there where you’re, with you, for you, and that He cares enough to respond positively to all you’re reaching out to Him and every one of your requests. Hebrews 11:6
Thirdly come near to God with the right mindset or thinking. This means a healthy opinion of you before God.
Our theme Scripture talks about being purified from a guilty conscience. Religion and culture has taught us to always see ourselves as guilty, insignificant, unworthy, inferior, and condemned. Unfortunately even in Church we are erroneously taught that the more we see and treat ourselves as undeserving and wretched before God the more humble and spiritual we are. But this ungodly mindset only works to distance us from God. Though He never leaves us, we feel and sense He’s so far away from us.
Of course we were once sinners and enemies of God but now He has reconciled us with Him through the Blood of Jesus Christ. We are now redeemed, righteous, holy sons and daughters of God. We should relate and fellowship with Him with a sense of being accepted and worthy before Him.