For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 (NLT)
We sing a song that all the other gods are the works of men but Jehovah is the Most High. Now money is one of those gods that are the works of men. God never created money, its man who made it but sadly man is worshipping and serving money. This love for, this worshipping and serving money is the root of all evil.
We were created to commune and fellowship with God in worship from our hearts. But when money and material possessions displace God from our hearts we become enslaved to corruption. For Scripture calls silver and gold corruptible things. In and of themselves money and material possessions are not evil, and neither is having them even in abundance is. It’s when money and material possessions have us, control and drive us that now they serve evil purposes.
Money and material things should serve us as we ourselves serve the one and only true God our heavenly Father.