But it is God Who confirms and makes us steadfast and establishes us [in joint fellowship] with you in Christ, and has consecrated and anointed us [enduing us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit]; 2 Corinthians 1:21(AMPC)
The Anointing of God is His special ability that He puts upon a person to successfully accomplish a certain God ordained purpose. Throughout the Bible whenever God called anyone to carry out a divine mission, He would equip or enable them by anointing them. Kings, priests, prophets were anointed. Men and women were anointed to deliver God’s people from oppression; others were anointed to carry out specific tasks like in the making of the Tabernacle of Moses in the wilderness.
The Anointing also undoes and destroys every bondage and limitation of the enemy. –See Isaiah 10:27.
Christ means the Anointed One.
Because we are in Christ the Anointed one we are already anointed.
God has anointed us in Christ. He has clothed us with ability in Christ. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. -See Philippians 4:13.
Whatever you have been called to do, God has anointed and qualified you to accomplish it in Christ.
See and know yourself in Christ. That is stand in the confidence that you’re joined and one with Christ. He defines you, and not your physical, intellectual or experiential merits and abilities. Stop seeking the anointing; you don’t have to fast for the anointing, you don’t need anyone to put their hands on you to be anointed, it’s not necessary to go to some place where they smear or pour on you physical anointing oil. There’s nothing wrong with all these activities but the truth is if you’re born again, it means you’re in Christ the Anointed One. You’re anointed and qualified in Him. The more you hear this truth, the more you’re persuaded of it, the more you will be conscious of it, and the more you’ll experience, walk and function in it.