Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices Colossians 3:9 (NIV)
Are you already a believer yet still struggling to overcome sin, a bad habit, an addiction or any other ungodly way of thinking and walking?
Here is the liberating and empowering truth.
Stop every effort to change yourself. Stop striving to become. Stop fighting to overcome. Transformation doesn’t come by trying and striving but by seeing, believing and being fully persuaded. 2Corinthians3:18; Romans 12:2. You’re in Christ; you are a new creation having the very nature of God. 2Corinthians5:17; Ephesians 4:24. You have already put off the old sinful self and it’s practices even as our theme Scripture says. It is only as you see, believe and are fully persuaded that the old is gone, the new has come that you without effort stop behaving as the old and effortlessly start living and walking as the new that you now truly are.
Take time to see who you’re in Christ as you study and meditate on the Word. This is where believing, and being fully persuaded comes followed by transformation and freedom.