Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. James 1:2-3(MSG)
Pressure doesn’t make you, it brings out of you. It brings you out. It doesn’t force you to do, it forces out your “do” Pressure doesn’t make you do something that wasn’t already in you to do in the first place. Pressure creates the atmosphere for you to do what was already in you to do.
When a sponge is squeezed and out comes dirty water it stands to reason that the sponge already contained dirty water. It’s not the squeeze that produced the dirty water it only brought it out.
When the circumstances, conditions, challenges and crises of life squeeze you what comes out? What’s in you?. What comes out of you?
Is it Complaining, blaming, cursing, fault finding, or gratefulness, taking responsibility, thankfulness and praise to God?
Now you can determine what comes out of you by putting it there in the first place.
Get the Word of God into you. It’s the Word of God that gets love, life, rest, strength, hope, faith, peace, joy and every other godly virtue into us. So when under pressure these are what will come out.