Do you not know that you are the temple of God and [that] the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16 (NKJV)
This God who fills heaven and earth also lives in us. The God in whom all things exist and who exists in all things has made His dwelling in us. Therefore we carry and communicate God’s person, presence and power everywhere we are and go.
No wonder Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that God is not worshipped at certain designated places like mountains or manmade temples. John 4:20, 21.
We the believers are the worship places of God.
For so long the venues or buildings where we gather as believers has been called the church. People then talk about going to church to meet and serve God and while there in those man-made places they call, invite and welcome God into those places, and into their lives. Those places are and should properly be called church buildings or houses where the true Church which is you and I come together to fellowship.
In one of his letters Paul sends greetings to a certain Church that met or gathered in a home of a couple that were his co-workers in the ministry. Romans 16:3-5. He was not talking about a building or place that gathered in this couple’s house or home but rather people, believers in Christ who gathered there.
All of us believers in Christ are individually and collectively the Church, the Body of Christ. We are God’s home.
As God’s temple His Holy Spirit lives in us. He is the Spirit of life. Romans 8:2
This means that the Life of God dwells in us. We have on the inside of us the very unlimited, unfailing, indestructible Life of God.
We can always take advantage of this Life in us. The Holy Spirit in us is the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead; He gives that same resurrection Life to our bodies. Romans 8:11. We can live healed, healthy, strong, long, and fruitful because of the Living One who’s always resident in us. Know and walk in the consciousness of “God lives in me” then you will experience and express His life on a daily basis.