And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Philippians 1:6 (NLT)
It’s always such a messy, ugly, unsightly, disturbing, scene with any project that’s still in the works. From the foundation site of the construction of a multi billion infrastructure to the formation of a baby in the womb it doesn’t look neat, orderly, or perfect while still in the making.
The best common example is the process of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. In concept or on the inside the caterpillar is exactly the same as the butterfly but outwardly, in shape, and behavior it is the exact disgusting opposite – the caterpillar is horribly ugly and in some cases harmful even destructive, the butterfly is immaculately beautiful and inspiring.
Your life and your situation also perhaps seems no different. You, your mind set, behavior, experiences, personality, circumstances, may look like the ugly, unsightly caterpillar but that’s not who you’re on the inside. You bear the image of your Father God on the inside. That image and likeness is in the process of being worked out from the inside out. The beautiful butterfly is on its way out. The baby in the mother’s womb will be delivered in due time. The multi billion dollar infrastructure will at last be officially opened. So don’t judge yourself or let others judge you too soon. God is at work in you both to will and do His Good pleasure. Philippians 2:13. Do not give up on yourself, family, marriage, dreams, when your architect and maker hasn’t. God is the master designer, you’re the master design. You are His mega project. He hasn’t given up on you and the things that concern you.