And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, Matthew 27:50-51 (NKJV)
When Jesus died the veil or curtain that was in the holiest place shutting in God’s glory from the people was torn.
The veil represented the flesh which is human effort and sense knowledge.
In our own human effort and sense knowledge God is always veiled from us. We can’t see, know, understand, relate and fellowship with God in all the best of what we can do, think or reason because it’s all fear based, selfishness based, guilt based, unworthiness based, inferiority based, condemnation based and punishment based.
God is a spirit and we can only know and relate with Him spirit to spirit. It is through the death of Jesus that our sense dominated self, the old man was put to death and our spirits released to freely, fully intimately enjoy relationship and fellowship with God.
The torn veil means God is no longer hid from us. There’s nothing between God and us – no separation, no condemnation, no suspicion. We can approach and commune with God freely, boldly without fear, a sense of unworthiness or inferiority.
The torn veil means close intimate relationship and fellowship with God. It means absolute total union and oneness.