3and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” 4But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. Mark 16:3-4 (NIV)
In raising Lazarus from the dead Jesus first asked the people to roll away the stone that covered the entrance to the tomb then He called the dead man to come out and he did. Jesus Himself in His rising from the dead an Angel first came down from heaven, rolled away the stone that was on the tomb sat on it and then Jesus came out alive and triumphant.
The stone speaks of the law of dos and don’ts that kept man in the bondage and death of his self-efforts or dead works.
Jesus fulfilled the law and put it away.
We therefore don’t have to remain inside the tomb of death, condemnation, fear, curse, demonic oppression, worry, sickness, lack or defeat.
Unfortunately there are those who are laboring hard to push back the stone by preaching and teaching the law of dos and don’ts as required for one to be made right, accepted and live. This kind of ministry is called the ministry of death keeping many in the tomb of dead human works.
But thank God for the ministry of the Spirit, the ministry of Righteousness where we preach, teach, and hear what God personally present in Christ Jesus has already done in raising us up together with Him and brought us into fellowship with Him where we share in the very Life of God.
In Christ we have passed from death to life, from darkness to light. The stone has been rolled away. Walk on in the life and light of God as you see yourself raised with Christ and sharing with Him in the God kind of Life.