And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. James 5:15 (NKJV)
Everything in the Kingdom of God operates on the principle of faith which is seeing, calling and acting like the things that have not yet physically appeared as already existing. God Himself is a spirit, He’s invisible yet by faith we know and are persuaded that He exists and is with us.
Therefore prayer also is a faith affair. It is communicating with an invisible God yet with such solid assurance and confidence that He is present hearing us and He surely answers us. This faith flows from the Word God has already given us, which has been written down for us. It also comes from the Word God continues to speak to us in our hearts by His Spirit in us.
So the prayer of faith is based on what God has already spoken in His written Word and also what we are presently hearing in our hearts.
Whatever you want to be done or change for you or others pray basing on what God has already spoken in His Word and what He’s now saying in your heart concerning that issue.