….that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ’s Cross. Colossians 2:14 (MSG)
We were prisoners, prisoners to sin because of what Adam did but because God forgave us all our sins, the charges were also dropped.
The demands of the law that were against us were cancelled. There’s therefore now no accusation, no guilt, no condemnation, no punishment for us who are in Christ Jesus.
He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he made us completely well. Isaiah 53:5 (CEV)
In taking our sins Jesus also consequently took all accusations against us, He took all our guilt, condemnation and punishment – all the results of sin.
Who shall lay ANY charge against us God’s elect – His forgiven ones? The only one who has the right to do so is God but He is the very One who has justified or made us righteous. Romans 8:33
We are not only freed from sin and it’s effects but also freed to live and walk as God’s righteous and holy ones.