For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 (NKJV)
Father God is a lavish giver of gifts. The greatest gift of all is the one in whom all the other gifts are included.
Jesus Christ is the gift in whom are and from whom flow all of Father God’s gifts. When we have Jesus we have everything good, beneficial and satisfying in life.
We can no longer sing those songs of confusion that “take the gold and the silver but leave me Jesus” because the silver and the gold were created by and for Jesus and they belong to Him. See- Haggai 2:8. Whoever has Jesus has the world and its gold and silver.
Whoever rejects Jesus also renounces rightful access to all the good things of life. Even if many people who deny Jesus seem to have a lot of life’s goods, sooner or later they always find out that those things never benefited or satisfied them.
When God gave us Jesus He gave us all things that are requisite for life. See-Romans 8:32
We have the gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ. See-Romans 6:23
Grace has overflowed to and in us through Jesus. Father God gave us salvation through Christ. He redeemed us through Him.
He made us righteous and holy through Him. See- 1Corinthians 1:30.
When we received Jesus we received the gift of Sonship. See- John 1:12. When we received Jesus we received the gift of the forgiveness of all our sins.
In Him we have perfect peace. In Him we were blessed with every blessing there’s in heaven. See- Ephesians 1:3.
In Him we were highly favored.
He is God’s wisdom and power to us. He is God’s glory in us.
Jesus is the Father’s gift of light to a world in darkness. Jesus is the Father’s gift of heavenly bread to a hungry world.
Jesus is the Father’s gift of resurrection to those who have died.
The fullness of God in Christ has been freely lavished upon us. The goodness of God in Christ is freely poured out upon us.
Through Christ the promise of the Spirit of God has been poured out upon all flesh.
If you haven’t yet received the greatest gift from God now is your time. Receive Jesus, receive all of God and all that He has. Confess that Jesus is Lord, that God raised Him from the dead.
Now thanks be to God for His Gift, [precious] beyond telling [His indescribable, inexpressible, free Gift]! 2 Corinthians 9:15 (AMPC)