I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)
When natural, physical, or mental strength has failed or run out it shouldn’t be the end because there’s supernatural strength always available to us to carry out and carry on whatever task is at hand.
This divine strength is ours through Christ. In our union with Him we have been connected to the very strength of God who neither faints nor grows weary. Isaiah 40:28.
Every attribute of God is in Christ in it’s fullness. The Life of God is in Him in its fullness. The strength of God is in Christ in all its fullness. That means all of God’s strength is in Christ.
Now Christ is in us and we are in Him. So the fullness of God’s strength is in us and we are in the fullness of God’s strength.
Therefore like Paul we too can likewise boast in the Lord declaring that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. You can work that relationship; you can do and pass that class, test or interview; you can raise those children or grandchildren; you can start and grow that project or business; you can effectively run that ministry, not by your natural human might but through Christ who strengthens you.
Christ’s strength is released to work in your mouth. Psalms 8:2 (AMPC) Out of the mouths of babes and unweaned infants You have established strength because of Your foes, that You might silence the enemy and the avenger.
You release and engage the supernatural strength of God through speaking. The strength of Christ in you must be spoken in your mouth in order for it to function.
Continually say to yourself I can do it through Christ who strengthens me. I can start, I can continue, I can make it, I can finish, I can succeed through Christ who strengthens me.