For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of God’s church? 1 Timothy 3:5 (NLT)
Ministry begins with God ministering to you, changing you, filling you then out of His overflow in your life you flow out to others beginning from those closest to you which in most cases it’s your family or household.
Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel beginning from Jerusalem then to the end of the world.
Your house or family is your Jerusalem.
Your family is the little that God has entrusted you with and expects you to be faithful with so you can move to the much – which is ministry outside your home, that is in church, and to the world.
David started out with a few sheep and ended up the shepherd king over Israel.What you’re so intent on and aspire to sharing with so many outside first share with your family, your wife or husband, and children. Let those closest to you be the first to witness God’s work in your life.So don’t ignore or neglect your family in ministry, it’s your launching point.