that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and [that] you may lack nothing. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 (NKJV)
You’re neither the CEO nor the manager of the world, of everyone, of everything. Your life appointment contract clearly spells out your assignments. Your designated tasks are you, yourself and you. You’re held accountable only for what you well know you ought to do. We know what we ought to do in these ways:
What is in our heart; our abilities, gifts, or talents; conventional wisdom; social upbringing; discipline; and training.
You might say but am a husband, wife, parent, caregiver, supervisor, mentor or leader; therefore those I watch over are my responsibility and business.
Your real undertaking is to carry out your obligation concerning those people but not to do what they are designated to do. For instance even a pregnant mother cannot do the breathing and feeding for the baby inside her womb.
Do what you are supposed to do and let others carry out their assignments.
Get preoccupied with and pursue your dream or vision instead of wasting time and energy in other people’s affairs.
This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t get involved and work with others rather the point is do your part. Mind your own relationship with the Lord and your loved ones. Work more on you and your input more than badgering others to adapt to you.
Do you want to get married? Instead of dragging around an encyclopedia volume list of qualities you demand in a potential partner work on and be yourself a bill board display of the right marriage material. If you’re married focus on you yourself being the right and best spouse instead of nagging your partner to change and improve. Concerning things beyond your ability your business is to talk to God about it in prayer and leave the business of the working out of it to Him.