And you shall know the truth.. John 8:32(NKJV)
What you see or feel isn’t the truth. That which you’ve gone through or are going through isn’t the truth. All these things are facts that are subject to change. It’s what God knows, believes, and says about you that’s the all enduring truth.
The thoughts and intents of the Lord for you and your future are the whole truth which doesn’t change but remains constant forever. Christ is the revealed thoughts and intents of God about you. He is the Truth that is the same yesterday today and forever. Hebrews13:8.
The Redemption we have in Christ through His crucifixion, death, resurrection and seating at God’s right hand is the truth we ought to know.
The truth revealed in Christ is that you’re known, loved, valued, forgiven, delivered, and accepted by God. That’s exactly what Jesus and all that He did means, reveals and affirms.The truth in Christ is God in all his fullness is with you, in you, for you, helping you, guiding you and establishing you.