Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds Proverbs 27:23 (NIV)
A true shepherd lives among his sheep. So, it’s been said. He is one with and closely connects with the flock. In this way he can easily notice the weak, the wounded, the infected, and the distressed.
A wise saying in agriculture goes that “the farmer’s feet is the best manure” you can’t effectively tend your garden remotely.
In other words, you have to be personally present and involved in whatever you do.
Your flocks refer to your assignments, responsibilities, work, business, or ministry.
Be personally present and involved in what you do that’s how it will flourish the most, and that’s how you’ll profit the most from it. Be present in what you do; not only physically but also spiritually, intellectually and emotionally.
Your spiritual presence and involvement in your work includes having God’s knowledge concerning your work.
Find out from God’s Word what He says about that work, engage that knowledge in your work. Pray over your work. Allow God to lead you in that work.
Your emotional presence in your work includes being enthusiastic and taking pleasure in your work. Enjoy what you do.
Your intellectual presence and involvement in your work is having the details of your work on your fingertips. Know your work like you know yourself.
Proverbs 27:23 (MSG) Know your sheep by name; carefully attend to your flocks.