And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. 2 Thessalonians 3:13 (NIV)
God is good. This is His nature. He is good to all. It’s our Heavenly Father’s unchanging nature to do good. He is good and does good. As His beloved children we share in His nature, we are partakers of the Divine Nature.
Just as God is unconditionally and unchangingly good, as His beloved sons and daughters we should also yield to this nature of God and keep on doing good.
We do not do according to what others have done or said to us but according to what God has done for and to us.
We overcome evil with good. Jesus told us that by doing good we let our light shine so men see it and glorify our Heavenly Father.
Forgiving those who wrong us is being good. Being patient with people is doing good. Unconditional giving is doing good. Praying for and blessing people who don’t like you is doing good. Keep doing good