Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26 (NLT)
The attitude and language of God is “it is possible” No matter the condition, circumstance, challenge, or crisis, God’s stance is; “it is possible” It is possible to start, it is possible to finish, It is possible to be, it is possible to do, it is possible to come out, it is possible to go through, it is possible to leave, it is possible to stay, it is possible to have, it is possible to avoid, it is possible to hold on, it is possible to let go, it is possible to overcome.
Impossible is the attitude and language of men. Impossible is “humanly speaking or thinking”
As long as you’re “humanly speaking and thinking” so many things will look and be impossible for you.
So get to this side of “Godly or divinely speaking and thinking”, where it is always possible.
With God it is possible. See yourself as being with God always and you will only see possibilities. See yourself as being only human and alone and you will see only impossibilities.
See God with you in every condition, circumstance, challenge, or crisis and you will always see and experience the it is possible reality at all times.