If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him! Matthew 7:11(AMPC)
In the Lord’s Prayer which Jesus gave not as how we should always exactly pray but as a pattern there are revelations about God and our relationship with Him. He says when you pray say Our Father in heaven. See- Luke 11:2. God is a Father. He’s our Father. That should be foremost and paramount in how we know, see, approach, and relate with Him.
He’s not just our God, He’s our Father. We are not merely His creatures but His beloved children. He longs for us to not just see Him distantly as God but intimately know and relate with Him as our loving Father.
This is what Jesus came to reveal to us and acquaint us with – Abba Father.
In the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John we note that Jesus most of the time addressed and referred to God as Father. He encouraged His audience to see Him the same way.
One time in talking about God Jesus said “I and Father are one” and the Jews who under the law were accustomed to a distant, unsociable God accused Him of blasphemy and took up stones to hit Him. See-John 10:30, 31.
God is our good Father. He’s always ever good to us. He’s a giver of good gifts. Get to see, know, approach and relate with God as your good Father whose heart is set and whose mind is made up on doing and giving you good things.
As a good Father He knows and is concerned about our welfare. He knows that we need to eat and be clothed. See- Luke 11:30.
Not only does He know and is concerned about our needs but He keeps on supplying each and every one of them as they come up.
Philippians 4:19 (AMPC) And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
You’re not a destitute orphan struggling to make it on your own. You have a good Father watching over you. Look to Him expecting good things from Him. Expect His help, guidance, support and provision.