Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary [principles] of Christ, let us go on to perfection Hebrews 6:1 (NKJV)
Christian growth is not in how long you’ve been a Christian, it’s not in the titles you may carry or call yourself like bishop, reverend, it’s not in the office you claim you were called to like prophet or apostle.
Growth in Christ starts with going past the elementary lessons. Any teaching that’s about getting you to leave and let go of all self-help efforts to save and make yourself a better person is elementary. If you still need to be told to turn away from sin, turn to God, stop trusting in your own wisdom and strength and depend on God you’re still in preschool, nursery, kindergarten or elementary. If you still need to be convinced that you’re not under the old covenant of the law of performance you’re still a baby on milk. If you haven’t come to the place of being fully persuaded of your identity in Christ that you’re in Him and He is in you, that you were baptized into Him, you’re one with Him, that you were crucified with Him, you died with Him – that the old sinful you died and was buried and when Christ rose the new you, the complete and perfect you also rose with Him and now you live in Him, you haven’t gone past the elementary.
Maturity is in Christ. It is knowing, being established, living and walking in who He is to us, what He has done for us. Maturity is knowing, being established, living and walking in who we are in Christ.