Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always) 1 Thessalonians 5:16 (AMPC)
Every after a stretch of rigorous business there’s always a time of winding down and getting into repose and recreation mode.
For most of us this much needed treat turns up on the weekend thus the popular phrase “thank God it’s Friday”
Repose and recreation originate in God. After the creation work week God took the weekend off to chill. Then He invited man to join in the repose and recreation lifestyle. First, he set the symbolic seventh day, then the holy Jewish feasts and festivals in the Old Testament which were all types and shadows until the true repose and recreation would come in the person and redemptive work of His Son Jesus Christ.
Because of what God has already done for us in Christ in liberating us we can always regardless of the circumstances chill and party.
We can rejoice always in the Lord. Revel in His love for us.
We can be glad that we are not alone on our own, He is with us, in us, for us.
Knowing and being conscious that we are always in His presence over floods us with fullness of joy – see Psalms 16:11.
His sure goodness and mercy in our lives call for a celebration.
The assurance that when we pray to Him and ask Him anything He answers us brings forth fullness of joy- see John 16:24.
Even in the midst of trials when the going has gotten tough, we can toughen more by counting it all joy knowing that our faith or trust in God is being taken out for a road test and it always passes. James 1:2-3(AMPC) Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.