The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord prolongs one’s days, but the years of the wicked shall be made short. Proverbs 10:27 (AMPC)
The fear of the Lord doesn’t mean being afraid of Him as you would someone or something that would harm or hurt. This kind of fear breeds hatred. Anyone or anything you fear in this manner you despise and hate.
To fear God is not to be uncomfortable, insecure, on tension, or paralyzed before Him. It’s not being on tenterhooks expecting some sort of rebuke or punishment from God because somehow somewhere you have upset Him.
That kind of fear doesn’t prolong your days but rather shortens them because it brings anxiety, sickness and death.
To fear God is actually to reverence or adoringly respect and honor Him. It’s to be in awe of Him. Jesus interpreted the fear of the Lord as worship.
When Jesus said in Matthew 4:10 that you shall worship the Lord your God and only Him you shall serve, He was actually quoting Deuteronomy 6:13 which says you shall fear the Lord your God and only Him you shall serve.
Therefore, fearing God is worshipping and serving Him. It is worshipfully serving Him.
Godly fear is serving the Lord with gladness – Psalms 100:2.
The fear of the Lord is to serve Him lovingly, adoringly, devotedly. This is the very same exact thing He meant that you shall love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. To fear the Lord is to have Him as the center and in charge of your life and all your affairs.
To fear God is to have Him as the reason and focus of all your passions, interests, dreams and pursuits. The fear of the Lord is having God as the means and end of everything you’re and do.
Going to school to be equipped to effectively serve, being faithful and diligent at your job, kindness and generosity to others, integrity in your dealings with others are all ways of practicing the fear of the Lord. These are all ways that please, honor and bring glory to God.
Every time you first talk to and inquire from God about any issue you’re facing or decision you’re about to make, you’re practicing the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is to always entirely look to and totally depend on Him at all times in all things. This is the real drive of life; this is what prolongs our days.