If you let people treat you like a doormat, you’ll be quite forgotten in the end. Proverbs 29:21 (MSG)
In telling us to turn the other cheek when someone hits us (Matthew 5:38, 39), Jesus didn’t mean we should just let everyone mistreat and ride roughshod over us in any way they wish while we look on sheepishly. What He meant was that in contrast to the old self-occupied and self-seeking system of an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth we as God’s children should demonstrate His selfless love nature of standing against and overcoming evil with good.
Therefore He was actually telling us to neither be nor treat others as a doormat. He was instructing us not to misuse and abuse others as well as not to allow others to misuse and abuse us. He taught us to relate and deal with one another in all situations the Father’s way which is the love way.
Now love does not delight in evil…1 Corinthians 13:6. (NIV).
Being used or using others as a doormat is evil. The evil that love doesn’t delight in, it doesn’t tolerate but rather resists. When we are treated or treat others as a doormat it is injustice, yet love does not rejoice about injustice….1 Corinthians 13:6 (NLT).
You are loved, and valued in God’s heart and eyes. You were created to glorify Him, to exhibit His very own worth. You’re a vessel of honor.
Anything or anyone that disrespects, dishonors, or degrades you is really insulting God who made and redeemed you with a great price.
Do not let anyone step on you to achieve their own selfish motives.
Matthew 7:6 (NIV) “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
When people don’t recognize, value, and celebrate who you’re and what you have then giving yourself, your time, your strength, your gifts, your abilities and resources to them is like throwing what’s holy to the dogs, It will all be wasted as far you’re concerned. You will have been used as a doormat at best.
Giving your best to the users and abusers is what casting your pearls before pigs means.
They will trample on them then turn and tear you to pieces. This is exactly what our first and theme Scripture refers to when it says – “If you let people treat you like a doormat, you’ll be quite forgotten in the end”.