The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
1 Corinthians 10:13(NLT)
The all-seeing, all-knowing Father God gave birth to you. You’re His original idea. He foreknew you and your world in which you would live in, everything you would encounter and so designed you befittingly. You were custom made down to the minutest detail to perfectly fit and thrive in your particular, generation, time, season, circumstances, environment, experiences, challenges, relationships. The one who brought you forth in love never fails. He never made a failure. He never made you to fail. He designed you to withstand. In our theme scripture above the word temptation there also means testing.
Like any master designer or manufacturer makes his product to go through and withstand testing, the architect of all things surely can and did far better than that. You have in you what it takes to outlast all the trials and tests of life. You’re an overcomer for greater is He that’s in you than the adversities in the world. He Himself said He built you on a rock, which is the Lord Himself and the gates of hell cannot prevail against you. Matthew 16:18. You’re built to withstand and trample down hell. You are made of the hardest, most durable substance known – God material. That’s what it is meant by the Word when it says you’re of God, born of God.