[The Father] has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness… Colossians 1:13 a (AMPC)
Living and walking in power and victory starts with the knowledge that the believer has been delivered from the control of darkness which is the kingdom of the devil.
As long as a believer is still ignorant of and blinded to the truth that Satan and all his forces have no power or control over him he will always walk in fear, bondage, struggle and defeat. On the other hand the believer who knows and is fully persuaded of the truth of his already finished deliverance from every force of darkness will always walk confidently boldly in liberty and triumph.
A great part of the knowledge of the Truth that sets us free is that God in Christ on the Cross defeated and disarmed all the hosts of darkness. We are free. The devil, demons, death, hell, the grave, witchcraft, curses, sorcery, evil spells, black magic and every other form of wickedness has no power over the believer who has been redeemed in Christ.
We have been delivered. That’s what God has accomplished, knows and says. That’s the truth regardless of what we see, feel, dream or are going through. When we know and are fully persuaded of that then what we see, feel, dream, or are going through will bow down to and align with the Truth.