Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly]; 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (AMPC)
Another way to put this is be unceasing in communication with God.
Be unceasing in talking to and listening to God.
Be unceasing in engaging, interacting with, and acknowledging God in your thought life, your conversation, your relationships, your undertakings.
This is how you can be unceasing in receiving from Him.
This is how the flow of His wisdom, power, guidance, provision stays unceasing in your life.
Prayer is how you stay as an unblocked conduit for the presence and peace of God allowing it all out to affect and impact the world around you.
Be unceasing in prayer is be God conscious, let His thoughts translate into your daily life and conduct.
Being unceasing in prayer is to be unceasing in yielding to God’s Word as you keep speaking it or in line with it at all times.