For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of the glory of
eternity]. Philippians 1:21 (AMPC)
Living is not mere physical existence neither is it a space time experience.
Life is a transcendent Divine Person – Christ. It’s the fullness of God. Therefore to live or
be alive means Christ fully expressing Himself through you. To live means Christ in you
being seen and felt in every aspect of your life. It’s love, liberty and liberality all
exercised and expressed in our daily walk in this body in this world. Therefore physical
death doesn’t mean we have ceased to live but rather we have put off the limits of
space time experienced in this earthly physical body. Though now hidden to the
physical sense dominated world we are now more visible, clear and defined as the ones
in whom Christ fully dwells.
So whether we continue to live in this physical body and world or die physically we are
always alive because of Christ the Ever Living One in us