Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, Hebrews 10:19-20 (NKJV)
In the tabernacle of Moses and later in the temple where the priests representing Israel went to sacrifice, pray and worship God there was a compartment called the Most Holy place where God’s Holy Presence and Glory dwelt. There was a very high and thick curtain that separated this place from the people and no one could go in there except the high priest and only once a year with the blood of sacrificial animals and after a lot of careful ritual preparations.
But when Jesus died on the Cross this curtain that was in the temple at that time literally physically was torn from top to bottom. The curtain represented the separation that existed between us and God. This separation came into being when Adam and Eve sinned and run away from God in shame, fear, guilt and condemnation. This curtain which is a view of God from a natural and sense knowledge position is the cause of all the suffering and pain that has plagued all people and the whole world.
When Jesus died He tore apart this curtain, this wrong view of a God who is distanced from us, separated from us and against us.
Through Christ in His offering of His body to die for us we have been brought into union and communion with God.
We can see, approach, relate and fellowship with God from His very own view which is; He is well pleased with us, He loves us, He’s at peace with us, we are welcome in His presence, accepted, forgiven, and made right with Him.
This is the New and Living way of relating and fellowshipping with God.