…we have [such] a great and wonderful and noble Priest [Who rules] over the house of God, Hebrews 10:21 (AMPC)
Jesus ministers to us in many glorious offices. He’s not only our Savior but also Lord, Shepherd, Deliverer and now here in our study today we see His office or ministry as our High Priest. Jesus is our wonderful and Noble High Priest.
In ancient Israel the high priest represented the entire nation before God. As the high priest so was the entire nation. When the high priest went into the presence of God each year to offer the blood of animals to atone for the year’s sins of the entire nation and was accepted it meant acceptance of the whole nation for that whole year. It meant health, blessing, protection, fruitful harvest right from the womb all the way to their livestock and fields for the entire nation for that year. It meant victory over and rest from their enemies for that year. But if the high priest missed it somewhere and he and his offering was not acceptable to God but rather rejected, he would die there in the place of sacrifice. This meant the entire nation was rejected for that year. It meant sickness, curse, destruction, crop failure, war, famine, defeat and slavery to their enemies for that year.
But thanks to God for us today because our High Priest is Jesus Christ.
What makes Jesus a wonderful and Noble High Priest is;
With his own blood—not the blood of goats and calves—he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever. Hebrews 9:12 (NLT)
As our High Priest Jesus has appeared not in a man-made place of worship on earth but in heaven itself in the very Presence of God, has offered His own Blood, has been accepted and has secured for us not a year’s but an Eternal Redemption and Salvation. This means the forgiveness of sins, the acceptance, the health, the blessings, the fruitfulness in our bodies, possessions and work, the victory over and rest from our enemies that God has given us isn’t just for a year or years but forever, it’s eternal! Hallelujah Glory to God!