He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly. 1 Peter 2:23 (NLT)
Jesus in all his mistreatment, suffering and hostility from His enemies did not take matters in His own hands. He did not seek reprisal in any way shape or fashion. He trusted in and yielded to God His Father to make everything right.
God judges the same way refiners do their work. The goal of refiners is to bring out the best quality of whatever they are refining. If they are refining gold the work is to separate and remove all the impurities – everything that’s not gold; so the end and final result is pure precious gold. It’s in the interest of the refiner that no damage is done to the gold and not the least grain of it is lost in the process of refining.
When man is judging it is to retaliate, repay threat for threat, insult for insult, damage for damage. God’s judgment is to stop and get rid altogether of the threat, insult, and damage so that all involved are made whole. The purpose of God’s judging is to separate and get rid of all evil from all His people whom He created in love for His own pleasure and glory. These include those who have known and believed Him as well as those who are still at enmity against Him. God’s judgment is not to the intent of getting even, pay back, shaming, getting rid of any one, or destroying anyone. God’s judgment is to the intent that He may be all in all, be everything to everyone, supreme, the indwelling and controlling factor of life. See- 1Corinthians 15:28 (AMPC).
That’s why when we are violated, or victimized, wisdom is to trust and allow God the righteous Judge to fight for and give us what is our due. Now this doesn’t mean suffering quietly and looking on passively in the face of injustice and abuse in our daily lives. Rather it means always operating in God’s wisdom, love and judgment in any situation where we, our loved ones or someone we are responsible for has been wronged or injured. Talk to and trust the God the upright and impartial judge who always and ever judges equitably.