Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalms 23:4 (NIV)
One of the enemy’s lie that he uses to discourage, disconnect, and defeat many is telling us that we are on our own forsaken and helpless.
This is an age old tactic of the evil one since Adam and Eve
But we are never alone. Our Creator and Sustainer has never left us nor abandoned us. Our Father God will never leave us nor abandon us.
If we’re only looking at and considering the outward look of things we will believe the devil’s lie that we are alone.
But when we look to and consider what God has spoken to us in His Word we will be fully persuaded and confident that He is Immanuel – God with us, closer to us than the air we breathe.
God is a spirit, not directly perceptible to the senses so if all you know and are sure of as reality is what your five senses can tell you then almost all the time you will not see or know Him.
God is always with us whether in circumstances of danger or safety, poverty, or plenty, sickness or health, trouble or tranquility, confusion or peace. This is true because this is who He is and it’s what He has spoken to us in His Word.
Stay with what God has said in His Word and you will know and experience the peace and confidence of His Faithful Presence in your life at all times in all situations.