So the LORD said to him, “What [is] that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.”
Exodus 4:2 (NKJV)
Do you see yourself as not enough, inferior, helpless, of no use? Have you judged yourself inadequate, ill equipped or not equipped at all for the task or challenge before you? Or are you self stuck in “ifland”? – if only I was born in that family, gender, tribe, city, country; if only I had an education, training, degree experience; if only I had that physical advantage, personality, talent, skill, gift; if only I had that money, connection, support, influence. The if list is endless.
You don’t have to stay stuck there. You are everything and have everything you need to live the life you were created and designed to live. God made you, you’re his workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) and God’s work is perfect. Deuteronomy 32:4.
All you need to do what you were designed to do is already in your hands. It may seem insignificant even useless but that’s exactly the right tool God in his wisdom saw fit to do the work. The point is, it’s not what you have or don’t have but rather because God is with you and that He backs up what you have with his ability you can do a mighty work in a mighty way.
Moses had a shepherd’s rod. It was nothing in and by itself. But with God onboard he used it to destroy the mightiest nation and king on earth in his days and delivered a nation from slavery.
Samson used the jawbone of a donkey to kill a thousand men of the enemy. Judges 15:15. A widow woman paid off a huge debt left by her deceased husband and had a fortune left over to live on with her two sons from a little jar of oil. All she did was to trust in God who gave her instruction on what to do through the prophet Elisha. 2Kings 4:1-7. God used the footsteps of four lepers to sound like the noise of chariots, horses and a great army to the Syrian army that had come against Israel and they fled. 2Kings 7:3-10. The Lord with only five loaves of bread and two fish fed five thousand men not counting women and children, who ate, were satisfied and a lot left over. Peter’s shadow would heal the sick it fell on as he walked on the street. Acts 5:15,16. Handkerchiefs taken from Paul were put on those tormented by demons and they were set free. Acts 19:11,12. You have what it takes to fulfill your purpose. Yield it to God.