The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. John 1:9-10 (NIV)
The true light is the right and accurate knowledge of God. Through Jesus Christ in His birth, ministry, crucifixion, death on the Cross, resurrection, ascension and seating at God’s right hand the right and accurate knowledge of God has been fully revealed to us.Jesus Christ is everything we need to know about God, His Eternal plan and purpose for us individually as well as all creation.Get to know Jesus Christ who is the true light – your real, original life unveiled.He is the lamp to your feet – to show and lead you in the day to day, right here, right now affairs of life; and the light to your path – to show you the bigger, broader into the future aspect of your life.