Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests the heart. Proverbs 17:3 (NLT)
God is into heart matters because hearts matter most to Him.
The Lord tests the hearts implies that He deals, connects, and relates with us heart to heart. This is because the true us is in our hearts.
The mind and the body may say and show what a person is not but the heart can’t pretend and can’t hide. It’s not what you’re doing and showing on the outside, but it’s what’s in your heart that gets God’s undivided attention.
A person’s talk may be smoother than butter or cream whereas hatred and war is in his heart. Their words may be soft and soothing as oil or lotion but in reality cutting like swords. Psalms 55:21
Just like God tests the hearts, just like He deals, connects, and relates with us heart to heart we should also do the same with people.
In our dealings and interaction with people we should follow this divine principle and practice. Don’t just go with what people say and show outwardly, test their heart, judge their intentions. This is very important in relationships and business. It will save you a lot of embarrassment, disappointment, loss, and heartache.
How do you test hearts? By paying attention to your own heart. Because hearts communicate what’s in the heart even that of another. If another person is saying or showing what’s not in their heart, your own heart will know.
Paul found out that the stranger who didn’t know him yet gave accurate information about him and his ministry was actually under the influence of a deceptive spirit by heeding what was in his heart. Acts 16:16-18.
The Scripture says Paul was grieved at what the slave girl was continually saying. He must have been grieved in his heart because that’s where it happens. What was said and showed was okay but what was in the heart was not alright at all and Paul picked on that in his own heart.