You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. Psalms 139:4 (MSG)
It was not after the fall when man sinned that God devised a plan of Redemption where Jesus would be offered as a sacrificial Lamb that would take away all our sin and suffering.
Way back in eternity long before God created anything He foreknew and foresaw the sin and fall of man and had in place a Plan of Redemption. 1Peter 1:20.
Adam’s high treason and the subsequent plunging of all humanity and creation into death and destruction did not catch God by surprise. He not only foresaw and foreknew it but also had a Plan in place in the Person of His Son Jesus Christ.
Our Redemption in Christ was not an afterthought neither a reaction to what the devil did nor even a response to what man did but rather Jesus is the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. Revelation 13:8
So even in our daily life no eventuality catches God by surprise. Nothing has come to pass or will take place except what God has already anticipated and come up with an answer for.
You are not a surprise to God, what you have done, are doing, or will do isn’t a surprise to Him. Where you are, or will be isn’t a surprise to Him. What has happened or will happen to you isn’t a surprise to Him.
Therefore do not be alarmed about anything as if it’s the end, as if you’re fried and finished.
Look to and trust in the God who’s in control of everything in the past, present, and future.