Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people). Ephesians 5:15 (AMPC)
We live purposefully lby living in the Lord’s Will for our lives.
Ephesians 5:17 (AMPC) Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the Will of the Lord is.
Purpose like food energizes and brings satisfaction. Jesus said His food or purpose that kept Him energized and satisfied was to do the will of the Father who sent Him. John 4:32,34.
The Lord’s purpose is for us to have a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10 (NLT).
This is only possible and realized when we live according to His Will.
Therefore seek to know the Will of the Lord for your life, pursue the Will of the Lord for your life. The Will of the Lord is in His Word and in your heart. Live according to the Word of the Lord. Live from your heart. This is how you live purposefully.