You will be faithful and have a clear conscience. Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn’t listen to their consciences. 1 Timothy 1:19 (CEV)
Every human being whether they know God and His law or not have inside them an inborn sense of right and wrong where right is accompanied by inward thoughts of approval and wrong is accompanied by inward thoughts of disapproval.
This means every one of us on the inside knows without being told by anyone else from outside that what we are doing is right or wrong.
Therefore disregarding your conscience is rejecting wisdom and sound judgement and this is injurious to your life and others around you. Imagine your eye seeing the ditch in front of you but in total disregard of what’s in plain sight you go right on ahead. Of course you fall in there and hurt yourself. The same thing happens to us in life when we act against what our conscience tells us.
Listen to your inborn ability to judge right from wrong; do not ignore those approving or disapproving inward thoughts in your decisions and actions.